Das Nudel Ding

With products from its own production, Das Nudel Ding at Skyline Plaza offers you the taste and the experience of an authentic Chinese noodle bar.

Why is Das Nudel Ding called Das Nudel Ding?
Because everything (“Ding” in German) revolves around our homemade noodles (called “Nudeln” in German), and because this is a little wordplay involving the Chinese general manager’s last name which just happens to be Ding.

Top-10 in Frankfurt We are very pleased about being ranked fourth in the Top Asian Restaurants in “Frankfurt geht aus” restaurant guide!

We look forward to your visit.
The team from Das Nudel Ding

About usHours, Directions & Reservations

Starters & Salads

  • 01 凉拌海带丝 Líangbàn haidai ssi
    5,50 €
    Seaweed salad with Onions, chinkiang-vinegar, spring onions
  • 03 凉拌黄瓜 Liángbàn huángguā
    4,90 €
    Cucumber salad with sesame oil, Chinkiang-vinegar, spring onions
  • 04 拌三丝 ban san ssi
    5,50 €
    Glassnoodle salad with sesame oil, chinkiang-vinegar, carrots, cucumber, spring onions
  • 13 醋泡木耳 cu pao mu er
    5,50 €
    Morel Salad with onions, chinkiang-vinegar, spring onions

Noodle soup

  • 33 担担面 Dàndàn miàn
    13,90 €
    Spicy wheat noodle soup with minced pork, pak choi, coriander, spring onions and bean sprouts
  • 60 酸辣粉 Suān là fěn
    12,50 €
    Spicy glass noodle soup with peanuts, Chinkiang vinegar, bean sprouts, coriander, pak choi, Szechuan pepper and spring onions
  • 601 鸡肉酸辣粉 Jīròu suān là fěn
    14,50 €
    Spicy glass noodle soup with peanuts, chicken, chinkiang vinegar, bean sprouts, coriander, pak choi, Szechuan pepper and spring onions
  • 602 牛肉酸辣粉 Niúròu suān là fěn
    14,50 €
    Spicy glass noodle soup with peanuts, beef, Chinkiang vinegar, bean sprouts, coriander, pak choi, Szechuan pepper and spring onions
  • 603 肉末酸辣粉 Ròu mò suān là fěn
    14,50 €
    Spicy glass noodle soup with peanuts, minced pork, chinkiang vinegar, bean sprouts, coriander, pak choi, Szechuan pepper and spring onions
  • 61 老麻抄手 Lǎo má chāoshǒu
    13,90 €
    Spicy wonton soup with pork filling, coriander, bean sprouts, sour vegetables, spring onions and pak choi
  • 62 羊肉泡馍 Yángròu pào mó
    15,50 €
    Lamb broth with lamb, morels, dried vegetables, bread cubes, glass noodles, coriander, spring onions and goji berries
  • 63 红油馄饨面 Hóng yóu húntún miàn
    13,90 €
    Spicy wonton soup with wheat noodles, sour vegetables, bean sprouts, coriander, pak choi and spring onions
  • 64 滋补羊汤面 Zībǔ yáng tāngmiàn
    15,50 €
    Noodle soup with lamb, morels, goji berries, dried vegetables, coriander and spring onions
  • 65 秘制牛肉面 Mì zhì niúròu miàn
    13,90 €
    Noodle soup with beef goulash, coriander, spring onions, pak choi and dark stock
  • 66 风味酸辣面 Fēngwèi suān là miàn
    11,90 €
    Spicy noodle soup with peanuts, chinkiang vinegar, coriander, spring onions, pak choi and bean sprouts
  • 67 肉末酸辣面 Ròu mò suān là miàn
    13,90 €
    Spicy noodle soup with peanuts, minced pork, chinkiang vinegar, coriander, spring onions, pak choi and bean sprouts
  • 68 酸辣牛肉面 Suān là niúròu miàn
    13,90 €
    Spicy noodle soup with peanuts, beef goulash, Chinkiang vinegar, coriander, spring onions, pak choi and bean sprouts
  • 69 酸辣鸡肉面 Suān là jīròu miàn
    13,90 €
    Spicy noodle soup with peanuts, chicken, chinkiang vinegar, coriander, spring onions, pak choi and bean sprouts
  • 70 素汤面 Sù tāng miàn
    12,90 €
    Noodle soup with deep-fried tofu, carrots, morels, coriander, spring onions, soya sauce, pak choi and sesame oil
  • 70a 蔬菜鸡肉汤面 Shūcài jīròu tāngmiàn
    14,50 €
    Noodle soup with deep-fried tofu, chicken, morels, carrots, coriander, spring onions, soya sauce, pak choi and sesame oil
  • 70b 素汤面 Sù tāng miàn
    13,50 €
    Rice noodle soup with fried tofu, carrots, morels, coriander, spring onions, soya sauce, pak choi and sesame oil
  • 71 麻辣牛肉面 Málà niúròu miàn
    13,90 €
    Spicy noodle soup with beef goulash, coriander, spring onions, pak choi, dark stock and Szechuan pepper
  • 71a 麻辣牛肉米线 Málà niúròu mǐxiàn
    14,50 €
    Spicy rice noodle soup with beef goulash, coriander, spring onions, pak choi, dark stock and Szechuan pepper
  • 72 酸菜牛肉小面 Suāncài niúròu xiǎo miàn
    13,90 €
    Noodle soup with beef goulash, coriander, spring onions, pak choi, bean sprouts, dark stock, Szechuan pepper and sour vegetables
  • 72a 酸菜牛肉米线 Suāncài niúròu mǐxiàn
    14,50 €
    Rice noodle soup with beef goulash, coriander, spring onions, pak choi, dark stock, Szechuan pepper and sour vegetables
  • 73 豆花麻辣小面 Dòuhuā málà xiǎo miàn
    13,90 €
    Spicy noodle soup with soya curd, minced pork, coriander, spring onions, bean sprouts, pak choi and Szechuan pepper
  • 73a 豆花麻辣米线 Dòuhuā málà mǐxiàn
    14,50 €
    Spicy rice noodle soup with soya curd, minced pork, coriander, spring onions, bean sprouts, pak choi and Szechuan pepper

Noodles in peanut sauce

  • 25 麻酱拌粉 Májiàng bàn fěn
    12,50 €
    Spicy peanut sauce with glass noodles, bean sprouts, coriander, spring onions, pak choi and peanuts
  • 26 麻酱米线 Májiàng mǐxiàn
    12,50 €
    Spicy peanut sauce with rice noodles, bean sprouts, coriander, spring onions, pak choi and peanuts
  • 261 麻酱鸡肉米线 Májiàng jīròu mǐxiàn
    14,50 €
    Spicy peanut sauce with rice noodles, chicken, bean sprouts, coriander, spring onions, pak choi and peanuts
  • 263 麻酱肉末米线 Májiàng ròu mò mǐxiàn
    14,50 €
    Spicy peanut sauce with rice noodles, minced pork, bean sprouts, coriander, spring onions, pak choi and peanuts
  • 30 麻酱拌面 Májiàng bàn miàn
    11,90 €
    Peanut sauce with wheat noodles, bean sprouts, spring onions and pak choi
  • 301 麻酱鸡肉拌面 Májiàng jīròu bàn miàn
    13,90 €
    Peanut sauce with wheat noodles, chicken, bean sprouts, spring onions and pak choi
  • 303 麻酱肉末拌面 Májiàng ròu mò bàn miàn
    13,90 €
    Peanut sauce with wheat noodles, minced pork, bean sprouts, spring onions and pak choi

Noodles without soup

  • 05 口水凉面 Kǒushuǐ liáng miàn
    11,90 €
    Cold noodle salad with Chinkiang vinegar, sesame oil, Szechuan pepper, peanuts, carrots, cucumber, bean sprouts and spring onions
  • 31 香辣油淋面 Xiāng làyóu lín miàn
    11,90 €
    Wheat noodles with hot chilli oil, bean sprouts, chinkiang vinegar, spring onions and ginger
  • 313 腊汁肉油淋面la zhi rou you lin mian
    13,90 €
    Wheat noodles with hot chilli oil, minced pork, bean sprouts, Chinkiang vinegar, spring onions and ginger
  • 34 炸酱面 Zhá jiàng miàn
    13,90 €
    Wheat noodles with black minced meat sauce, cucumber, carrots, bean sprouts and spring onions
  • 35 腊汁肉拌面 Là zhī ròu bàn miàn
    13,90 €
    Wheat noodles with minced pork, ginger, bean sprouts, soya sauce and spring onions
  • 36 川味炸酱面 Chuān wèi zhá jiàng miàn
    13,90 €
    Wheat noodles with black minced meat sauce, cucumber, carrots, bean sprouts, spring onions and Szechuan pepper
  • 36a 川味炸酱米线 Chuān wèi zhá jiàng mǐxiàn
    14,50 €
    Rice noodles with black minced meat sauce, cucumber, carrots, bean sprouts, spring onions and Szechuan pepper

Fried noodles

  • 50 孜然牛肉炒面 子zi ran niu rou chao mian
    13,90 €
    Fried wheatnoodles with wok sauce, carrots, tomatoes, pak choi, bean sprouts, cumin powder, beef briskets, spring onions
  • 51 素炒面 su chao mian
    12,90 €
    Fried wheatnoodles with wok sauce, carrots, tomatoes, pak choi, bean sprouts, fried tofu, spring onions
  • 52 蔬菜鸡肉炒面
    13,90 €
    Fried wheatnoodles with wok sauce, carrots, tomatoes, pak choi, bean sprouts, chicken, spring onions

Pasta with filling

  • 20 饺子 Jiǎozi
    13,50 €
    12 dumplings with pork and chive filling
  • 20a 鸡肉饺子 Jīròu jiǎozi
    13,50 €
    12 dumplings with chicken and shiitake filling
  • 20b 素饺子 Sù jiǎozi
    13,50 €
    14 dumplings with wild garlic and morel filling
  • 21 肉夹馍 rou jia mo
    5,50 €
    Chinese Burger with pork filling
  • 22 馄饨 Húntún
    13,90 €
    Wan tan soup with pork filling, seaweed, mini prawns, bean sprouts, pak choi and sesame oil
  • 24 麻酱饺子Májiàng jiǎozi
    13,90 €
    Spicy peanut sauce with 14 vegetarian dumplings, bean sprouts, coriander, pak choi and spring onions
  • 28 小笼包 xiao long bao
    9,90 €
    6 mini-dumplings with pork filling
  • 29 鸡肉烧卖 ji rou shao mai
    9,90 €
    6 mini-Dumplings with chickenfilling
  • 61 老麻抄手 Lǎo má chāoshǒu
    13,90 €
    Spicy wonton soup with pork filling, coriander, bean sprouts, sour vegetables, spring onions and pak choi


  • Chicken
    3,00 €
  • Beef briskets
    3,00 €
  • Minced pork
    3,00 €
  • Fried Tofu
    2,50 €
  • Shrimps
    4,00 €
  • Wonton
    4,00 €
  • Extra noodle
    3,50 €
  • Extra vegetables
    1,00 €


  • Coca Cola
    3,50 €
  • Coca Cola Zero
    3,50 €
  • Fanta
    3,50 €
  • Mezzo Mix
    3,50 €
  • Apple juice with soda
    3,50 €
  • Still water
    3,00 €
  • Sparkling water
    3,00 €
  • 冰红茶 Iced tea lemon
    4,90 €
  • 酸梅汤 Plum tea
    4,90 €
  • 王老吉 Wang lao ji
    4,90 €
  • 芦荟汁 Aloe Drink
    4,90 €
  • Gingerbeer
    4,90 €

* The prices listed on the website may differ from the restaurant prices on a daily basis.

Contact Information

Das Nudel Ding · Westend-Süd

Kettenhofweg 64
60325 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 97 78 38 86

Opening hours
Mon – Fri: 11:45 – 15:00 and 17:30 – 20:00, Sat: 17:30 – 20:00

How to get here

Das Nudel Ding · Skyline Plaza

Europa-Allee 6 (1st upper floor)
60327 Frankfurt am Main

Opening hours
Mon – Sat: 11:30 – 20:00

How to get here

Das Nudel Ding · Milaneo Stuttgart

Mailänder Platz 7
70173 Stuttgart

Opening hours
Mon – Sat: 10:00 – 20:00

How to get here

Das Nudel Ding · City Galerie Aschaffenburg

Goldbacher Str. 2 (directly opposite the Kinopolis)
63739 Aschaffenburg

Opening hours
Mon – Sat: 10:00 – 20:00

How to get here

About us

Who invented noodles? The Chinese!

The oldest known traditional recipe for noodles comes from China, written on vellum; it is 4000 years old. Another piece of evidence from the same remote past was found in Lajia, a prehistoric village on the Huange Ye (Yellow) River in northwestern China, specifically a sealed stoneware bowl discovered during the excavations. It contains a kind of spaghetti that is only three millimeters wide and half a meter long; and it is made of proso millet and millet spray.

Today, Chinese noodles are made of wheat flour as a rule, and the taste of Chinese noodles differs from German or Italian pasta products. The taste is stronger and more succinct. In principle, the shape is always the same; namely long and mostly thin. Sometimes long and flat as well. As the starch content is higher, Chinese noodles are a little stickier than European noodles.

In the traditional cook-shops of China, you will find nimble-fingered noodle makers at work. They knead, roll, pull, and toss the dough for as long as it takes to achieve the right thickness and consistency. This works just as perfectly with cleverly designed noodle machines, but is less arduous. Thank goodness!

A success story

There is no way to say with any certainty how and with whose help noodles from China began their triumphant progression to Europe.  Although there is the legend that Marco Polo, the famous Venetian discoverer, introduced the noodle to Italy after his journey to China in the year 1295, yet Greeks and Romans had previously known noodles as well. Illustrations on the graves of the Etruscans from the fourth century B.C. show noodles and equipment, such as a sack of flour, a rolling pin or tongs. On the other hand, the Arabs were the first to hang noodles made of dough over lines to dry; thus inventing the non-perishable and portable noodle.

As interesting as the history of noodles may be, what counts today is that Das Nudel Ding offers authentic Chinese noodles in Frankfurt. Not 4000 years old, but always freshly made and always from our own production. Just like in one of the thousands of noodle bars in China.

Das Nudel Ding brings China to Frankfurt

The general manager is a restaurant owner with passion. This has practically been her whole life. She acquired her skills in reputable restaurants in China and in Germany. For many years now, she has been self-employed.

Authentic Chinese cuisine. This is not only her passion, but also comprises knowledge and skill, which is her recipe for happiness that she would like to pass on to her guests.  To Chinese guests who want to eat as they do at home, as well as to all non-Chinese guests who do not want to travel to the Far East, but want to find culinary happiness in Frankfurt’s Westend district. More precisely in Das Nudel Ding. With a focus on noodle dishes, with noodles and sauces from the restaurant’s own production.

Regardless of whether you choose cooked or fried noodles, warm or cold noodle dishes, with meat, vegetarian, or vegan dishes: Nothing has been Europeanized or is an interpretation of Asia, but everything is genuinely Chinese. Namely traditional and authentic.

Why is this noodle bar so wonderful?

Because all noodles are not equal! What counts is the best ingredients without any additives, our own production, the consistency and shape, type of preparation, taste, and feeling in your mouth. Last but not least: the quality and the authenticity.

Because making noodles is an artisanal craft. With the right tools, and with a great deal of commitment. This is why just not any old noodle maker from anywhere was purchased, but one from the experts in China. In order to be a really 100% noodle expert, the general manager, even though she is an experienced restauranteur, underwent practical training. On site, in the “Land of Smiles” and of noodles!

Das Nudel Ding has many other ideas as well

They already exist in the general manager’s head, and they are going to be implemented gradually.  Of course, they will be related to noodles and Chinese cuisine. This is something that you will not want to miss!


Apply now and join our DND family!

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